As we explore the image and idea of being planted this week, my mind is drawn to the parable of the sower. I think especially of the seed that is thrown among the thorns where things like the worries of life, distractions, and other gods choke out the seeds from setting their roots down and growing. Joshua gives a clear statement of the need to throw away gods that the Israelites may have worshiped previously due to the influence of the cultures around them and serve Yahweh. In current times, there are other religions and idols that are left from past lives or ancestors. I have a distinct memory of my dad going to my grandma’s house when I was young and throwing away the Buddhist idols that were in her house when she came to Christ. But more often, there are things like career/future aspirations, monetary stability, wanting to be liked or popular, and political or social ideologies that can become idols influenced by the culture around us that choke out our ability to be planted by God. As idols, those must be thrown away.
Joshua also highlights the clear choice to serve the Lord. As someone who grew up in a Christian home, I have found myself struggling with being assured of my salvation in different seasons of my life. My parents have clear conversion stories, but I found mine to be a more gradual process of sanctification. That difference in our faith experience can be a place where doubt creeps in. However, when referring to the choice to follow the Lord, Joshua uses the active language of “service”. The choice to serve the Lord is a continuous thing. Not something done once and forgotten.
Finally, as we explore the imagery of being planted and a part of the vine as a church this Lenten season, I think it’s so cool that Joshua is clear that it’s not just him that is choosing to serve the Lord, but his whole family. I think that is a great reminder to walk in faith with a community of brothers and sisters around you so you can support each other in your journey.
For reflection:
- As you think about the decision in your life to follow and be planted firmly in Christ, what did you have to say, “no” to in order for that to happen?
- What are some things that your decision to follow Christ has led you to say, “no” to?
by Zac Lee
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