“And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.” (Ephesians 1:22-23)
Our perfect, holy God has supreme authority; His dominion is over all things, people, nations, and places. There is no greater power in the universe, as Jesus’ resurrection shows. His rule is indeed over everything, and while He could rule on His own, our relational God involves His people in His rule. It’s through His body, the church, that He extends His rule over the earth!
It is God’s will for Himself to “fill all” with His kingdom. He does not want there to be a place in this universe where His rule is not. His presence lives in His people, so when His people go about the earth, so does He, thereby filling all the earth.
Consider how the law functions in society. The law itself is invisible but dictates how our society functions. We see the effect of the law through law-abiding citizens, but without such people, the law would still exist and hold authority. In the same way, without the church, God would still have all authority and be the supreme ruler. But as we, His body, live lives of obedience to our King, His rule extends to fill the earth.
Ponder what it means that you, if you are in Christ, can help extend the rule of Christ throughout this earth. His rule fills the earth as we follow Him and obey Him. How is God inviting you to obey Him right now? In what ways is He asking you to take a step of faith? Consider that your step of faith reveals His glory on earth. You participate in Him filling the earth with His fullness!
For reflection:
- What places in your life do you need to speak the name of Jesus over?
- What places in this world do you want to speak the name of Jesus over, invoking His rule and reign there?
by Katie Bondy
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