How often do we take God’s promises to us and contort them into a shape that fits our lives, instead of allowing them to configure us into something that furthers kingdom work? Today’s passage shows us that this sinful tendency is nothing new.
Last week we looked at the story of Cain and Abel. Cain murdered his brother Abel in an attempt to reconcile with God, resulting in offending the one he wanted to please. But God, in His compassion, offered Cain a second promise (Genesis 4:15) that He would punish sevenfold anyone who killed Cain and then put a mark on him, sparing Cain’s life and giving him the opportunity to repent and reconcile through future offspring.
Fast-forward to today’s passage and you see that from Cain’s descendants comes Lamech, who took two wives (the first time polygamy is mentioned in the Bible) and from his relationships with them, come generations who continued to sin against God.
When Lamech speaks in vss. 23 and 24, two things are clear. First, God’s promise to punish sevenfold anyone who killed Cain had been re-told from generation to generation. Second, this promise had been twisted and distorted to fit the sinful desires of people. Lamech actually arrogantly boasts that he will be protected tenfold what God had promised Cain! This angered God as He continued to see generational evil and sin spread throughout His creation.
Like Cain and Lamech, we each have the promise of reconciliation with God. We also each have a choice; to continue in sin (sometimes this is generational sin) or submit and humble ourselves before God.
Our family fostered in Milwaukee County for five years. During that time, we met and formed relationships with people from a variety of backgrounds. We saw, firsthand, the harm that can be done when, generation after generation, sinful hearts refuse to reconcile with God. Thankfully, we also saw and are still experiencing, the immense beauty that comes when a sinful heart humbles itself to the voice of the Holy Spirit. What powerful change and redemption can then occur!
For Reflection:
- Prayerfully consider the decisions you are making in your life. Are they decisions that echo the desires God’s promises hold for you? Or are they separating you further from God’s heart?
- Is there any area of your family’s legacy that you want to transform and create a new legacy that honors God and will bring the next generation even closer to Him?
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