You might have noticed Brian as a guitarist in the worship ministry, but he’s also a Life Group leader, formerly taught the membership class and helped start a Young Couples ministry (Delta) years ago here at Eastbrook.
How long have you been at Eastbrook?
My wife Jennifer and I have been attending Eastbrook for 17 years and in that time we’ve had our children, Jackson (14) and Sarah (11). Our children attend Eastbrook Academy and we’ve really woven the Eastbrook community into the fabric of our lives.
Describe a favorite Eastbrook memory…
We have so many memories, but one stands out with regard to ministry. Years ago, while having dinner with Marc and Nancy Erickson, we shared our concern that there was no pastor for young married couples. We had pastors from nursery up through the singles/college age, but who was ministering to those in the next phase? Marc said, “I agree, let me know what you need.” With that, the Delta ministry was born! That seems to be the beautiful way many people get involved in ministry at Eastbrook. God taught us the role we play in getting connected.
How did you first get involved here?
We had been here for 10 years before anyone even discovered I played guitar. I actively hid the fact, though secretly I wanted someone to nd out and ask me to join. But I left it in God’s hands and was going to wait as long as He wanted. One day a friend mentioned he wanted to buy a guitar for his son. I o ered to sell him one and that let the cat out of the bag. Later, when the guitar player for Family Camp fell through, my friend’s wife suggested me, never having heard me play a note. Someone at Family Camp heard me and ‘volunteered’ me to Helene Pickett, and the rest is history. Fun fact: Before joining the worship ministry, I’d never been in a band that played in front of actual humans.
What are the most challenging and the most rewarding parts of serving?
The challenges are mainly those of time: making time for service and not having time to help in all the ways we want. In our family, we have placed a priority on serving the Lord and His church. So, we choose how to allocate our time on that basis. In nearly every way, the rewards and blessings far outweigh any contribution I’ve made. When I am serving others, I end up being blessed more by them.
What has God taught you recently?
God has built in me a heart for what I’ve come to call ‘hidden’ people at the church; they’re not lost and they aren’t hiding. These are people who walk through the front door of our church, but somehow we don’t see them or assume someone else knows them. In truth, they are searching for an access point to become connected to the church community. My wife and I were ‘hidden’ at Eastbrook for 6 years before we made a single connection. That wandering in the wilderness causes me to search the back rows and corners of the building for people wanting to connect. Each time I talk to someone who’s felt hidden, I am blessed beyond words. After all these years, God has kept those feelings fresh so I understand what they might be going through. If I help them connect, I find peace and healing within me as well.
Tell us a little about your work & family.
I work as Director of Accounts at a B-to-B graphic design rm in Riverwest. I work with our clients to understand their needs (brochures, apps, websites, displays), and then work with our staff to make sure the client’s vision matches what we’re producing. My wife has been working in the office at Eastbrook Academy for about a year, and really loves it. Our kids have come up through the Academy and our son Jackson will be starting high school there in the Fall. We pretty much have our church, work, school, and coffee all on one campus.
How did you come to know the Lord?
I had been attending church with Jenni- fer and her family for a few months and each sermon seemed to have some secret insight into my private life! I learned who I was, who Jesus was and what he’d done for me. One day I was riding my bike through Estabrook Park (not a coincidence I’m sure) and I just told Jesus how sorry I was, and turned my life over to Him. No turning back, no turning back.
What is your Life Verse?
1 Corinthians 15:58, which says: “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand rm. Let noth- ing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” For me, it encapsulates whom I serve, why I serve, and that my service will be made useful by the Lord. It also gives me motivation when I may not feel like serving. What else should I be giving myself fully to?
Anything else you want to add?
The worship ministry at Eastbrook is a community. We pray together, share our lives, and spend a lot of time together. I think all ministries here are similar. The best way to become part of the community is to get into any ministry. God will take care of the rest. It just takes a single step, but we need to choose to take that step. So what are we waiting for?
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