Read Daniel 6:1-28 and Acts 5:29
After the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Peter and several other apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people in Jerusalem and preached about Jesus. The existing religious rulers felt jealous and threatened. The Sanhedrin angrily reminded the apostles that they had been given strict instructions by the high priest not to teach in Jesus’ name. But the apostles had heard from a higher authority and thus came back with, “We must obey God rather than human beings.” It’s not that Peter and the others disrespected human authorities. But when there was a conflict between what human beings said and what God said, they were always going to go with God.
Daniel found himself in a similar situation during the Jewish exile under King Darius. Because of his excellent character and high work ethic, he was rising in status in the kingdom. But other leaders were jealous of him and wanted to bring him down. They knew they wouldn’t be able to trip him up in unethical behavior like stealing, lying, sexual immorality, drunkenness, etc., so they tried something more insidious. They convinced their weak king to publish a decree that they knew Daniel would never obey because of his integrity. And you know the rest – the king threw Daniel in a den with hungry lions who completely ignored him. That was God’s power at work!
Read Romans 13:1. How do we reconcile this verse with Acts 5:29? Good question. We need to remember first that we are all sinners, and left to our own devices would destroy ourselves and one another. The history of the human race has not been pretty. God has instituted governing structures in our world by His grace and for our benefit, so we need to respect them. But when these authorities demand we do something clearly contrary to God’s word, we must go with God. Whose approval matters more than God’s?
For Reflection:
What if Daniel had given in and prayed to King Darius, rationalizing that his prayer would just be empty words on his part?
How did Daniel’s obedience give God an opportunity to show His power?
Can you today simply obey God and trust Him for the results?
by Kelly Erickson
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