Read Zechariah 9:9 and Matthew 21:8-10
“Then Jesus said, ‘Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?'” (John 11:40)
This is one of the most amazing and incredible ironies of history. One of the most baffling paradoxes. How could the God of the universe, the Lord of all, come to earth as an ordinary man, mingle with lowly people and essentially die the death of a common criminal? Even those who knew Jesus did not grasp this. Matthew 21:10 says Jerusalem wondered at His identity. Friend and foe alike were perplexed by Him.
Zechariah 9:9 tells us to rejoice. Why? Because of Jesus’ coming. He brings with Him justice, and He brings with Him salvation. What in our world, and what in our lives needs God’s touch of justice? Wrongdoing, racism, deception, exploitation, corruption, abuse, marginalization… What do we long for God’s salvation to deliver us from? Sin. Oppression, slavery, suffering, disease, natural disasters, bondage, evil, destitution, environmental degradation…and on and on. Jesus can redeem, renew and restore. He is the ultimate Healer.
Hosanna is a plea for God’s salvation. God’s promise to bring justice and salvation are cause for a hearty Hallelujah! Jesus is blessed (highly favored) and so are we because He is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Though King and absolute royalty, His humility is on full display as He rides into Jerusalem knowing that He is on the path to the Cross. His appointment with death won for us freedom from sin and hell.
This person riding on a colt should not be disregarded or underestimated. Unlike you and me, He never sinned and the grave could not hold Him. The justice and salvation He brings is for us life-giving. Do you really believe this? By virtue of Christ’s death and resurrection, we have the power to live extraordinary lives that attest to the reality of God’s presence. This Palm Sunday, let us rejoice because if we believe, we will see the glory of God.
- By the way you live your life, would anyone realize that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is available to you? Do you give God free rein to do extraordinary things through you?
- Humility should not be confused with weakness of character. Jesus was in no way a pushover. Think about Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and reflect on the strength that was required to start (or continue) this inexorable journey to the Cross.
written by Katherine Riebe
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