These verses are some of my favorites in the Bible. I used to carry Joshua 1:9 on a notecard in my backpack to peek at during the school day. I have since lost this notecard but pull this verse from memory regularly for the promise it brings. It serves as the simplest reminder of what God asks of us and what He promises. I can be strong and courageous. God is with me.
I remember being at my first overnight camp and writing and rewriting this verse in my journal from my bunk as I struggled with homesickness. Be courageous, God is with me, I am reminded.
As I grew older and mourned the loss of a dear family member taken far too soon, I looked to these verses for comfort. Be strong, God is with me.
During the hard dark nights of the newborn phase with my babies I remembered, do not be discouraged, God is with me.
In the daily unknowns and busy-ness of work and raising kids, I recall, do not be afraid, God is with me.
My circumstances change but God’s promise remains the same. Be strong and courageous. He is with you.
God says these words to Joshua when he is appointed as Israel’s new leader after Moses’ death. I can only imagine Joshua’s state of mind, looking at the tasks laid out before him without the presence of his trusted mentor and friend, Moses. He was probably not feeling very strong and courageous. God instructs Joshua to remain focused on His commands and to meditate on His Word and then urges Joshua to be strong and courageous. In fact, it’s so important, God repeats it twice within these three verses. Be strong and courageous; God is with us!
The courage and strength God commands is rooted in the faithful promise of His presence. Remain close to God and remember He remains close to you. Especially in moments when you may not feel His presence—do not be afraid! Have courage! He is with you wherever you go.
For reflection:
- Where in your life do you need the strength and courage God’s Word can provide?
- How might meditating on the Word of God bring you courage and strength?
by Catie Boon
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