Hesitant About the Lord’s Supper?

Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

In the past, I’ve often been dismayed after finding out that a worship service would include communion. I knew that communion should involve serious self-examination, confession, and repentance—and the wrong approach could have significant consequences. However, I lost sight of the fact that communion commemorates the Lord’s death on the Cross —and I should feel great joy and appreciation for what He did for me!

In today’s passage, Paul reviews what Jesus said (and did) at the Last Supper. The bread and cup provide clear reminders of His incredible once-for-all sacrifice. Practiced correctly, communion helps strengthen individual believers and unifies a church body around the core of their faith.

In the surrounding verses, Paul describes how communion should not be done and warns of serious consequences (vs. 30). The preceding section (vss. 17-22) focuses on externals: church divisions, unequal food distribution, drunkenness. The later section (vss. 27-34) focuses on internals: unworthy manner, examine themselves, discerning the body of Christ.

The precise meaning of “unworthy manner” (vs. 27) is somewhat unclear, but it does not mean being an unworthy person—that would include everybody! Yet before we take the bread and cup, we are to “examine ourselves” (vs. 28). Paul doesn’t say explicitly that we should also confess and repent, but it doesn’t make sense to examine and then do nothing about it! This inward look could reveal specific instances of sin, an ongoing pattern, or a sinful situation. We may find sins of commission or omission. “Discerning the body of Christ” (vs. 29) probably refers to our relationships in the church. Are we treating others properly? Are we helping with unity? 

When our examining and discerning uncovers sin, that should dismay us!  But it also should lead us humbly to gratitude as we are reminded of Christ’s perfect sacrifice that brings forgiveness. Thanks be to God for this beautiful reminder in communion of both our need for forgiveness and His provision for us.


For reflection: 

  • When should someone refrain from taking the bread and cup (to avoid “unworthy manner”)?  If they refrain, what steps are needed to resume taking communion?


by Richard Gilliland

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