As a young boy the excitement that came along with Christmas centered around the promise of the mysterious and wonderful gifts to be discovered under the Christmas tree! Growing up my family’s tradition was to open gifts on Christmas Eve, after going to Christmas Eve service at church! I could barely pay attention in those services as my mind imagined what was in each wrapped box that I dutifully scouted in advance. As a father, my excitement around gifts has shifted more to giving gifts to my children, family, and close friends and sharing in the excitement.
In this fourth canticle recorded in Luke 2:8-20, we see the angels proclaiming the arrival of God’s gift to the world and the shepherds responding with joy and excitement! Listen to these words the angels proclaim: “Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.”
In 2 Corinthians 4:1-11, Paul also talks about the wondrous promised gift of new birth through this same Messiah who caused the angels to rejoice, Jesus Christ. The value of this gift is hidden from those who do not believe, “…blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.” (v. 4 ESV), but then Paul shares the solution to this condition of blindness and hopelessness in verse 6, “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (ESV). Paul goes on to say that this gift of Jesus Christ will sustain us when we are pressed on every side, when we are confused, persecuted, and struck down (vv. 7-9). For this gift of life in Jesus Chris is revealed in our mortal bodies as we journey through the difficulties of life.
What a promise. What a gift. Just as the angels praised God for the Messiah Jesus as the gift of peace for God’s people, we can accept the gift and not just be brought out of darkness, but experience the peace of God in our own lives.
I am reminded this Advent that as anticipation builds for Christmas, that boyhood joy for presents under the tree is but a small taste of the true joy and glory of living life in Christ no matter what comes our way.
For Reflection:
- What does the gift of Jesus Christ mean in your life? How can you reflect the life in Christ in your own life and share that joy and peace with others?
Nativity Building Activity: Place Mary and Joseph in the stable. The time has almost arrived for Baby Jesus to be born!
by Kevin Eide
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