Jesus is King

Read Matthew 1:61 Samuel 16:1, 6-13, 18-23

King David was a man of faith. By faith, he received a promise from God that his kingdom will never end (1 Chronicles 17:7-14). Many kings would come after David, but the promise finds its total fulfillment in Jesus. Isaiah prophesied about the child who was born for us and who would reign over David’s throne. In Isaiah 9:7, he states, “Of the greatness of his government  and peace there will be no end. He will reign  on David’s throne and over his kingdom…from that time on and forever….” As we celebrate Advent, we remember the Child born to save us. We eagerly anticipate his second coming as the exalted King. 

Jesus comes from a family tree that includes kings. Jesus is King.  His kingdom will usher in a new dawn. As King David vanquished his foes during his reign, so will Jesus defeat all of His enemies until he makes them his footstool (Psalm 110:1). Jesus’ resurrection from the dead reveals his utter and complete victory over sin, death and hell. 

While the final exaltation of Jesus, as King is still yet to come, Jesus is King right now. Creation bows to his will right now. All of the universe continues to function because of him. By his word, they exist, and by his magnificent power, they are sustained. That is why “the heavens declare the glory of Jesus” (Psalm 19:1, emphasis mine). So must we. We must hail King Jesus forever, who is both the Son of David and the Root of David (Revelation 22:16b). In this season of Advent, let us praise the Son of David who was born for us. King Jesus adopts everyone who believes in him into his family, so that we can be joint heirs with him in a kingdom that will never end, where Jesus rules as King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). 

For Family Discussion: How can you hail (worship) King Jesus today? 

For Personal Reflection:
What does it mean to you personally that Jesus is “God with us”? Take time to praise Jesus our Messiah, our Savior, our Immanuel. 

by Femi Ibitoye