Read Zephaniah 3:7-10 and John 1:48-49
“How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you…. I saw you.” (John 1:48)
Wonderful news: Jesus is the Good King who has come to bring peace to the nations, peace to our communities, and peace to our individual hearts!
When I try to share this wonderful news with my Japanese neighbors and friends, most of them think this is some story that is very far away from them. Japanese society and language have many levels of relationship and many lines drawn between what is near or inside (uchi) and what is far or outside (soto). The idea that Jesus is their King seems very far; the idea that they can decide whether to come into His Kingdom and receive His peace also seems very far. This reminds me of Nathanael. Full of skepticism, he reluctantly agrees to approach Jesus because of his friend Philip’s joyful invitation. Surprised by Jesus’ familiar greeting (as if they were already uchi), he asks the natural question: “How do you know me?” Jesus’ answer shows that He saw Nathanael long before Nathanael had even heard of Him.
The Japanese people may feel that Jesus is very far from them; they may, like Nathanael, have no expectation that Jesus has anything to do with them. Or they may come to agree with part of Nathanael’s statement, that Jesus is the King of Israel. But this view is too narrow. Jesus’ rule extends from sea to sea, including Japan. He has come to bring peace to all of the nations. And perhaps most amazing of all, this great and mighty peace-bringing King actually sees each one of us. He invites us one by one to enter into the peace of His Kingdom, inside His love and care, close to His heart. No longer soto, through the grace poured out on the Cross, Jesus sees us, and invites us to come inside.
- When Jesus sees you today, what do you think He sees? Take some time to ask Him this question and then pray for the grace to agree with Him about what is beautiful in you and what needs to change.
written by Christina Winrich
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