Read all or portions of Leviticus 8-10, 18-20
“The high priest, the one among his brothers who has had the anointing oil poured on his head and who has been ordained to wear the priestly garments… has been dedicated by the anointing oil of his God. I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 21:10, 12b)
It was in my 6th grade social studies class that one of my classmates nudged my arm and handed me the note. Unfolding the paper, I saw it was from a girl across the room, with words that would change my young life: “Do you like me?: yes or no (circle one).” It had slowly passed from one of her friends to another until it reached me. I circled “yes,” and passed it back through the intermediaries until she opened it, glanced my way, and smiled. My heart soared. The intermediaries, it seems, had accomplished their job and brokered a relationship.
We have intermediaries for many things, most of which are far more serious than a 6th grade crush. That concept of intermediary arises in Leviticus through the high priest, who is the leading figure of the priesthood, those dedicated for particular purposes and responsibilities as mediators between the divine and human realms. Because God is holy, the high priest stands between God and humanity, both representing and speaking on behalf of humanity to God and, likewise, on behalf of God to humanity. Leviticus contains many guidelines for the high priest’s life and actions, but the central idea is that as mediator the high priest brokers the relationship between God and humanity.
The New Testament speaks of Jesus serving as a high priest as well. As fully God yet fully man, Jesus can do what no high priest, who offered ongoing sacrifices, could do. Once for all, Jesus offers the perfect sacrifice as the final high priest. The writer of Hebrews describes it this way: “For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people” (Hebrews 2:17).
For reflection:
Each Sunday we include discussion questions on the sermon insert that can be used for deeper reflection and/or small group discussions. Take time to read through those questions today. You can find a digital version online at
by Pastor Matt Erickson
Week 3 Family Talk
Have you ever wanted to grab something that was waaaaaaaay up high on the shelf, so high that you couldn’t reach it? What do you do? Chances are, you look for someone taller, someone who can reach up high to grab the thing and bring it down to you.
God is so perfectly holy that we can’t reach Him on our own. Our sin has caused a separation—a distance—
between God and us. So, long ago, God created a system of priests—special men who would help people to reach up to God, and who could bring God and His ways down to the people.
In the Old Testament, we read about a man named Aaron who God chose to be a high priest. This was a serious job with many special rules. Aaron would wear special robes that represented the 12 tribes of God’s people. He would offer sacrifices to pay for his own sins, and then offer more sacrifices to pay for the sins of the people. God would accept these sacrifices as payment for the peoples’ sins. Other times, Aaron would stand outside the Tabernacle, and represent God to the people. He taught them what God was like and how to live God’s way.
The Bible tells us that Jesus was also a high priest—but a far better high priest! He is able to do what we cannot do ourselves. He offered the best sacrifice—Himself—once for all people, for all time! Because Jesus never sinned, His death on the Cross was a perfect sacrifice. But, because Jesus was human, He knows what it’s like to be tempted, and to feel hurt, fear, or stress. In the New Testament, we are told that we can come to Jesus with anything on our hearts (Hebrews 4:14-16). He will forgive us and give us the power to do the right thing.
Jesus has made a way for us, not just to see God from a distance, but to join God where He is.
Let’s Talk!
- When do you feel closest to God? Describe what it’s like to feel far from God.
- Why is Jesus the best high priest?
A Step Further: Interactive Prayer
Print each letter of Jesus’ name on a single piece of paper: J-E-S-U-S. Lay these on the floor, in order, like stepping stones. Gather everyone in front of the first paper, and pray: “God, You are holy, and we are not. Please forgive our sins.” Allow a moment for silent confession. Then, as each person walks through the stepping-stone letters, let them repeat the letters or say the name of Jesus. When everyone has finished, pray together: “Jesus, thank you for paying for our sin and helping us to reach God. Amen.”
by Pastor Laure Herlinger
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