Jesus, The Perfect Offering

Read all or portions of Leviticus 1-7

The first seven chapters of Leviticus introduce five sacrifices. Each one represents ways our relationship with God is restored: 

  1. The burnt offering is about forgiveness for sins that compromise devotion to God. 
  2. The grain offering is about thanksgiving for God’s provision and our work. 
  3. The fellowship offering is a voluntary offering that celebrates peace and fellowship between the worshiper and God. 
  4. The sin offering (finalized outside the camp) addressed unintentional sins and their consequences. 
  5. The guilt offering covered intentional or unintentional transgressions against God or neighbors, requiring the offender to make restitution for the wrong done. 

Each offering was meant to cure the tragic separateness that exists between Israel and God, but not one of them could cure that separateness completely. Then Jesus appeared. His death and resurrection revealed that those sacrifices in Leviticus pointed to what Christ would accomplish once and for all, not just for Israel but for all humanity. Consider how Christ’s sacrifice compares to the five offerings. 

  1. Christ’s devotion to the Father led Him to take on the consequences of sin so that we didn’t need to (2 Corinthians 5:19).
  2. Jesus was the bread of life without sin (John 6:35). 
  3. He gave up peace and fellowship with His father in Heaven so that we would not need to (Colossians 1:20). 
  4. His blood was shed (outside of Jerusalem) so that sin and death would have no hold on us (Hebrews 13:11-12).
  5. Christ paid our debt of sin completely (Colossians 2:13-14). He made full restitution for our wrongs.

The brokenness in and around our lives stems from the separateness that exists between us and God. We can try to be devoted enough, to be thankful enough, to stop sinning, to make restitution for wronging people, but we will never cure the gap that exists between us and our Creator.  

We can’t do it on our own. Admitting that is step one to receiving the ultimate hope that “…we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Hebrews 10:10).

Today we offer trust.


For reflection: 

Each Sunday we include discussion questions on the sermon insert that can be used for deeper reflection and/or small group discussions. Take time to read through those questions today. You can find a digital version online at


by Greg Marshall


Week 2 Family Talk

Have you ever seen a silhouette portrait?  It’s created by casting a shadow of a person’s profile onto a black piece of paper, tracing the outline of the shadow and cutting it out. In a silhouette portrait, you can see the shape of a person’s head, but you can’t see the details, the color of their sparkling eyes, the curve of their laughing smile, the beauty of their skin. It’s only a flat outline of the
real thing.

With the tabernacle, God had come to live in the midst of His people, but there was a problem. You see, God is holy.  He is perfect. I don’t mean He gets perfect answers on tests or can play a piano song perfectly.  I mean He is perfect in love, perfect in goodness, perfect in wisdom, perfect in justice and mercy, perfect in patience, perfect in selflessness, perfect in faithfulness. Our sinful selves cannot survive in the presence of this holiness. But, God loves us so He lovingly provided His people instructions about how to come into His presence safely through sacrifices. The burnt offering, the fellowship offering, the sin offering and the guilt offering in Leviticus were God’s instructions to deal with that sin as He dwelt among the people of Israel.

But, as the author of Hebrews explains, this system was but a shadow of the perfect sacrifice God planned in Jesus. The sacrifices in Leviticus had to be done day after day. Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross only had to be done once. The sacrifices in Leviticus couldn’t change people. Through Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection, we are given new holy life and God’s own presence in the Holy Spirit comes to grow that new life in us. Jesus’ love for us through His death on the Cross was the beautiful, amazing truth that the sacrificial system pointed to.

Let’s Talk!

  • What is better about Jesus’ sacrifice?
  • Is there a sin that you are sorry for today? Say you are sorry to God, and be confident that you are forgiven through Jesus’ death on the Cross.

A Step Further: Interactive Prayer

Draw a crown on one piece of paper, and draw a cross on another. Place the crown in a room, and tape the cross on the door frame to that room. Standing outside of the room read
this verse: “By that one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy” (Hebrews 10:14, NLT). Walk into the room together and pray, “Thank you, God that because of Jesus’ sacrifice we are forgiven and can live with you forever.” 

by Colleen Mittag

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