Joseph, Husband of Mary

Read Luke 2:21-33; 39-40

When I think of Joseph, I have to admit that, at first, he seems a small part of the BIG story. There aren’t many songs sung about him during Advent, not much reflection on his character, no mention of his death. In Matthew he is noted as the husband of Mary.

As I reflected on him, I was drawn to his earnest, righteous, God-fearing life. His trust in God, from the moment the angel spoke to him in a dream, believing what was said would happen. His trust in God’s provision and safety as they traveled (and travel they did!) to Jerusalem and beyond. Simeon spoke the Nunc Dimittis, a canticle of praise, over Jesus in the temple courts, and Luke tells us “Joseph and Mary marveled at what was said about him.”

There is no mention of the details of their flight to Egypt or their return to Nazareth.  But don’t overlook them. Lean in to the mystery as Joseph begins his life as provider, husband, father. Notice his earnest desire to bless the Lord, love his wife, and lead his children in a foreign land. Returning home after years away, did Mary and Joseph’s own families welcome them back, or was there concern over their marriage and child? 

There’s a wonderful scene in The Nativity Story between Joseph and Mary as they journey to Jerusalem. Newly married, Mary asks Joseph, “Do you ever wonder when we’ll know?” 

“Know what?” Joseph asks.   

Mary answers, “When he’s more than just a child…Will it be something he says, or a look in his eye?”   

And, the most compelling moment, Joseph’s reply: “I wonder if I’ll ever be able to teach him anything” 

As Joseph’s life comes more into focus, I wonder how long he lived to see Jesus grow and mature, becoming wiser each year…and how much he really did teach him as his earthly, God-fearing father.  

For Family Discussion: What do you think it was like to care for Baby Jesus? If you had been Joseph, what would you be wondering about?  

For Personal Reflection: In the Old Testament, God’s people had been waiting generations for the Savior to arrive. What are you waiting for God to do in your life? Are you praying on it right now? Are you waiting in obedience? 

by Ann Erickson