Leaving Behind

Read Philippians 3:7-14

“… because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…”  (vs. 8)

I’ve lived a very nomadic life. During my childhood, my family lived in five different homes in Germany and the United States. After I left for college, I lived in six dorms and apartments during my seven years in college and graduate school. And then, I lived in nine different apartments and sublets during the six years I spent in New York City.

Often when moving we leave things behind. One time it was some beloved (but rather large!) furniture. Another time it was an internet router. During my last move back to Milwaukee, I had gathered a lot of books, so many had to be donated. But there are some things you just can’t take with you. As much as local coffee shops and restaurants were part of my life, I couldn’t take them with me. Nor could I pick up and move my friends with me. 

I’ve heard it said, it’s not the place, it’s the people. Of all the places I’ve lived, I visit Germany, Wheaton, and NYC the most. These places still have a special hold on my heart. But what I enjoy most is reuniting with familiar faces there. At least, I don’t have any illusions that I’ll ever get my old furniture or books back.

Today’s passage reminds me of this process of leaving things behind when we move. Paul, the Jesus-follower, strains forward, forgetting the former things, not dwelling on the past because God is doing a new thing in Jesus. God is literally returning us to paradise in Jesus. Every suffering that we face on this side of eternity is a reminder that for all the goodness that remains of God’s creation, the world is deeply broken, corrupted, confused, and helpless without Him. The world needs Jesus. We can’t have paradise without Him. So, we strain toward our new home where our greatest reward is Jesus is at the center. This is the true home we long for.


For reflection: 

  • Have you had experiences of moving or leaving things in your life? Why did you move? What motivated you to move forward? 
  • Pray and reflect with the Lord if there is anything you can do to prioritize Him and the fact that your treasure is in heaven (i.e. social media fast, making a special offering, having a garage sale, committing to starting tasks with prayer, etc.)


by Steven Jaehnert

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