“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:1-3)
Chances are good you have heard this passage read at a funeral at some point. The promise contained in these words and the hope if offers is often used to provide comfort for those mourning the loss of a loved one, especially if that loved one knew and followed Jesus.
What’s interesting is that this passage comes immediately after Jesus told His disciples some very troubling news. In John 13, He predicts His betrayal and Peter’s denial. Yet, in light of that, Jesus commands them not to let those events trouble their hearts!
Jesus is indicating that we have power over how we respond to troubling events and thoughts. We are not “slaves to the moment,” but have the ability to find peace in the midst of chaos and confusion. But notice what that ability is based on: “Trust in God, trust also in me.”
The more we believe in the promises of God—that ultimately what He says is true both about our lives in the here and now and our lives for eternity—the more we can choose to live in light of those promises. We can live with hope, with confidence, and with godliness.
Let the promises of Jesus equip you to live this life prepared for His return and our eternity.
For reflection:
- In what specific areas of life do you need to remember Jesus’s command to not let your heart be troubled? How can His promises help make that more of a reality for you today?
by Jim Caler
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