Submit to the authorities. Submission is not a sentiment most Americans favor, no matter their background or perspective. In many circumstances, I bristle at being told to do, say, or pay something when I don’t want to do, say, or pay it. It’s my autonomous, independent spirit. And yet, here, Paul emphasizes why we should submit to the authorities and our obligations. Pay taxes, pay what you owe, and respect and honor those in charge. It may be difficult when we don’t agree with them and I’m not sure when civil disobedience is called for but, in our current government, it makes more sense to submit since officials are elected and the government is ‘of the people’. God knows our world, the deceitfulness of it and our role and responsibilities in it and to it. The command here and our act of submission is honoring God’s watchfulness and order established by Him. Even when we don’t understand or agree.
When we grasp our priorities, what seems easier is often more difficult. To love. Taxes and debt are firm obligations, but love? What does it mean to love? I don’t think of love as a debt but putting it in those terms, it’s my responsibility to pay. Paul shows us that the ten commandments are the basic start of showing love. It is the start of choosing well. The next and more difficult test to me is the everyday love we are called to express, in action and deed, with those in close proximity. Community, neighbors, friends and family are those that see the results of our expressions of love. The debt that was paid for us, and expressed at the Cross, can never be fully repaid. How could we?
Maybe we need to start by giving the forgiveness to others that we have received. It continues as we live in submission to the one who paid the debt and, hopefully, our lives will reveal the truth that was paid by Him. Jesus’ life and work is the example to follow. Do what is right and you will be commended. Love your neighbor as yourself.
For reflection:
- Do you need to make changes that will make the expression of your love more evident?
- Are there debts or obligations that remain unpaid that we must focus on to make the expression of love have more impact and clarity?
by David Bier
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