My wife and I first came to Eastbrook 19 years ago, as a young couple, new in the city, looking for a place to belong. Like many people, we thought we would be church-hopping for a while. But our first Sunday we recall being welcomed with open arms and invited to join the church’s mission of serving and loving people.
I was reminded of that as I read this passage in Romans 1:1-6. In it I see a juxtaposition of two groups. On one side is Paul who was set apart, an individual who is a Hebrew, an insider with the promises of God. On the other side is the Gentiles who are (seemingly) excluded (Ephesians 2:12) from the promise of God—the outsiders. In this passage Paul talks about his mission (call) from God to bring all the Gentiles to obedience of faith—in other words making the outsiders into insiders.
My early experience at Eastbrook was similar to that where leaders and members made a concerted effort to make us feel welcome and include us in things like plugging us into ministries that served the internationals and help people with medical needs. There was a constant, joyful effort of the leaders and church members (the insiders), taking the new people (the outsiders) and helping them plug in to the life of Christ in the body. Through all his writing Paul continues to encourage the church to reach out to those on the outside to include them in the life that is in Christ.
This season of Advent, I pray that we as a community in Christ will learn by the power of Holy Spirit, like the apostle Paul, to continue to reach out to those on the outside and include those on the inside—for the sake of His Name.
For Reflection:
- When have you felt like an “outsider”? Did anyone reach out to include you? If so what did they do?
- Like John the Baptist, we have been given the mission of proclaiming Jesus to those around us. How will you pursue that mission this week?
by Jacob Eapen
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