In 2 Samuel 9, we read the story of Mephibosheth. When Mephibosheth was five years old, his father Jonathan was killed in battle. Fearing that the Philistines would seek to take the life of the young boy, a nurse fled with him to the royal residence, but in her haste she dropped him and both of his feet were crippled (2 Samuel 4:4). But King David took special care of Mephibosheth. He vowed his service to the young boy, and promised that as long as he lived, Mephibosheth would have a seat at the King’s table (2 Samuel 9:7,13).
The Accessibility & Belonging Ministry exists to make the gospel and our ministries accessible to all and to remind our church that everyone has a seat at God’s table.
FAST provides prayer, encouragement, fellowship, education, and resources to families that God has given the privilege of joining in His work by fostering and adopting His children. We meet biweekly with activities ranging from a book study to guest speakers to special family events.
2nd & 4th Sundays at 9:30 am in Room B225
We exist to make the gospel and our NextGen ministries accessible to all children and students. Through inclusive programming, carefully-crafted accommodation plans, and one-on-one buddy pairs, the team works to support our differently-abled friends, and encourage all families that no matter their child’s needs—Eastbrook can be a place for them to know the love of Jesus and find community
We are currently looking for volunteers to serve as a buddy at 9:30 or 11 am, or to serve in the sensory room during the 9:30 am hour once a month.
Each Sunday, we have a Sunday school class for adults with disabilities. Students pray, read the Bible, and have lessons that they often act out.
Sundays at 9:30 am in Room B228
This parent Bible Study is a once-a-month meeting for parents who have children of any age with special needs of any kind. We gather to learn from God’s Word and to encourage one another. No preparation is required to attend—just come as often as you are able!
3rd Sundays of the month at 9:30 am in Room B225
Discover communities that provide support and care, whether for a long time, or just a short season; divorce, separation, grief, loss, relational and sexual healing, and more.
A great way to get engaged and involved in the community life of Eastbrook is to begin serving. Sign up for our monthly Top Serving Needs email list today!
Our NextGen ministries provide space for Littles (Birth-K4), Kids (K5-Grade 4), Middle School (Grades 5-8), and High School (Grades 9-12).