I can forget that the most rational thing in the world is to worship God and talk about Him. And yet when we encounter the world we might get the feeling that situation is reversed (Romans 1:19-21). How willing am I to appear uncool, foolish, and crazy for the sake of Christ? How willing am I to bear the name of Christ and to stand beside Him, even when His name is dragged through the mud by others? What’s more, how can I worship God in the middle of it all, like David did in Psalm 34?
Psalm 34 was written by David after he pretended to be a madman to escape a dangerous situation (1 Samuel 21:10). In this episode, David, a sane man recently anointed to be the king of Israel, was so scared he might be murdered he feigned insanity in public. It was a dream job turned nightmare. Would he have taken the job if he knew that it meant running for his life, and demeaning himself in public? And yet David praises God with these opening lines, “I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (v. 1 ESV).
How could he say that after all he’d been through? Where did he get the strength not to go back to Samuel and hand in his letter of resignation?
David had a right view of God, he was clear-eyed about his own condition and that of the world. So when David leaps into the pages of Psalm 34, he is spurred on not by his complaints, but by a fresh encounter of his deliverance and his living hope in God. David’s cup might have appeared half-empty to the world around him, but with eyes of faith he could be certain it was overflowing. Even though David had escaped with his life, the promised Messiah would sacrifice His life like a passover lamb, so that all who seek refuge in God would have eternal life (Exodus 12:46, Psalm 34:20, John 19:36).
Centuries later, we know that Jesus was that promised Passover Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world. And like David, we still live in the midst of those who oppose God and suppress the knowledge of Him.Therefore, let us try to take a cue from David and refresh our memories about the miracles of God within our midst.
For Reflection:
- What is something you can reflect on that God has done in your life that will lead you to praise Him today? Take a moment and thank God in prayer for the ways He has blessed you!
- Work this week on memorizing Psalm 34:1-3.
by Steven Jaehnert
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