No More Excuses

Read Luke 12:8-12  

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

I used to read Exodus 3 & 4 and get so mad at Moses.  I mean, here he is in conversation with God via the burning bush and God is giving him clear instructions on a job He has for him. But all Moses does is try and weasel out of it: “Who am I that I should go?” “What can I say to them?” “What if they don’t believe me?” And my favorite, “But I don’t talk good!” 

Excuse after excuse after excuse. 

I mean, if I had been God I probably would have made the fire shoot out and give Moses a little burn just to get him to stop!

Then I think about myself. I know I am called to be an “ambassador” for Christ, a witness if you will.  But how often do I hesitate and make excuses?  “I need to build a better relationship with them first, I don’t want to scare them away.”  “I don’t know where they’re coming from, I should probably know more about them so that I can be more intentional with what I say.” “I don’t have the right Bible verses memorized for this situation.” 

Excuse after excuse after excuse. 

Our verses today tell us that we should expect to have opportunities to be witnesses for Christ that we’re not “prepared” for, but that what we’re expected to do is be faithful and honest.  To be true to who we are and to be willing to simply say, “I am a follower of Christ.” 

And like God said to Moses in 4:12, “Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Here in Luke, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will help us know what to say when we need words of Truth to share. 


  • What situations do you find yourself hesitating to share your faith in?  How can you become more confident and ready in those situations?

by Jim Caler