“Make it count, leave a mark, build a name for yourself. Dream your dreams, chase your heart above all else. Make a name the world remembers.” (from “Only Jesus” by Casting Crowns)
One of the first things I had to do before opening a cafe was to decide on a name. A few friends suggested I name it after myself since, after all, most of the recipes were mine and it had always been my dream to do this. I never really cared for that idea because I didn’t want the spotlight on me. I knew God had answered my prayers by providing the money, the location and everything else including my love of hospitality and cooking. I wanted to honor Him for giving me this opportunity. Speed ahead 3 years and we were making a profit, we had great food and a good reputation in the community.
I remember one day when a dish was sent back to the kitchen that I had personally prepared. I wasn’t happy about it and let the kitchen staff know by complaining that the customer didn’t know what they were talking about. As I was remaking the dish, I heard a voice in my head say “I thought you opened this cafe wanting to honor me?”
Wow! That message hit hard. I personally delivered the meal to the customer and apologized telling them the meal was on me. I then apologized to my kitchen staff for my wrong attitude. Later that day I told God how sorry I was for allowing a blessing from Him to become a thing of pride for me.
The men of Babylon had forgotten about God’s goodness and blessing on their lives and wanted to build a tower to their own greatness for the world to see. God has made us in His image having the talent and desire to create, build and develop, but when the created thing becomes the source of our identity and self- worth, it has replaced God.
The ending lines to “Only Jesus” are…
“But all an empty world can sell is empty dreams.
I got lost in the light when it was up to me
to make a name the world remembers.
But Jesus is the only name to remember.”
For Reflection:
- What towers are you building to your own name in your life? How can you be sure to turn the spotlight to God in those areas rather than yourself?
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