Have you ever been without hope? It’s a scary and dark place to be. In 2013, after a bad bout of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and the death of my brother-in-law far away, I experienced a time without hope. I felt like I was walking around in thick darkness. A dear friend told me she would hope for me because I could not muster up any. For those of you who are grasping for hope, here is a word for you: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2).
There are many challenges facing our world today including habitat destruction; species extinction; biodiversity loss; air, water, and soil pollution; desertification; cruelty to animals; warming oceans; and so on. We know that when Adam and Eve sinned, creation was impacted by their choice. Over the centuries, humankind has continued to make choices detrimental to creation. And so, creation is waiting for its ultimate redemption as well.
As we celebrate Advent, a reminder that Christ came once and is coming back again, we look forward eagerly to when all will be made new. Creation longs for that day, too. But just as we don’t have to wait until heaven to start experiencing the new life ushered in by our second birth, even so we can liberate part of creation by what we do and do not do. Thoughtful, responsible actions that show we care for and value what God has made help bring hope to our world. As believers, we can lead the way by conserving, preserving, protecting, and nurturing creation.
God has not left us without hope. The Bible is replete with reminders, encouragement and promises that point to our ultimate redemption. As Hebrews 11 shares, we wait for a heavenly city that God has prepared for us. Christmas is a time to remember that this too will be fulfilled. In the same way that God’s Son came to earth and won our salvation, so will He come again and take us with Him, so that where He is there we will be also. Maranatha!
For reflection:
- Do you think of animals, rivers, plants, and mountains as things that God made? In what practical ways can you care for creation? Please do so.
- Hope exists because we long for something we don’t have. List some of the glorious things waiting for us in heaven. Share your list (and hope) with someone who needs encouragement.
by Katherine Riebe
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