Have you ever felt like someone favored your sibling, friend, or coworker more than you? I’m sure you have and it doesn’t feel good. Has your brother, sister, or friend ever gotten on your nerves? You might be angry at them or hold a grudge against them.
My siblings and I get into fights a lot and it’s hard to forgive. When I was nine, my sister and I got into a huge fight about who had to clean up which part of the room we shared. We would throw things from “our side” over to “our sister’s side.” Finally, our mom intervened and we got in trouble and had to separate ourselves. When we finally calmed down, we ignored each other in favor of our brother for the rest of the day.
When we disobey or argue with God He doesn’t suddenly love us any less, and He doesn’t show favoritism the way we do as humans. He loves everyone the same, even though we sin against Him over and over again.
In Romans 2:5-11 God says He will judge each of us on judgment day and He “will repay each person for what they have done” (Romans 2:6). For someone who seeks God and accepts what God gives, they will get eternal life. For someone who rejects God and continues walking in human ways, God will give them wrath and anger.
God is not showing favoritism, He is being a just God who is giving people what they sought in their life. He loves us all and He is always trying to pull us into His love. So why don’t we accept His love and run into His loving arms?
For reflection:
- When you read that God will “repay each person for what they have done” what does that do to your heart? Does it bring fear or joy?
- Now remind yourself of the promise of God shared just a few verses later: “all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). Praise God that His love and grace overcomes our sinfulness!
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