Prayer as Living Within God’s Power and Love
Speaker: Matt Erickson | August 18, 2019
August 17/18, 2019 We begin our journey into living prayer by examining Paul’s powerful prayer about the love of God in Ephesians 3. Prayer is essentially our...
August 17/18, 2019 We begin our journey into living prayer by examining Paul’s powerful prayer about the love of God in Ephesians 3. Prayer is essentially our...
August 24/25, 2019 This week we continue our series, “Power in Prayer,” by looking at Paul’s prayer in Colossians 1:9-14. Prayer is essentially our link into the...
August 31/September 1, 2019 Most everyone is familiar with the Apostle Paul’s passion to proclaim Christ and plant churches around the Mediterranean. Near the end of his...