Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual exercise together. Today, we are practicing and learning about fasting as a form of sacrifice.
A fast is the self-denial of normal necessities in order to intentionally attend to God in prayer. Bringing attachments and cravings to the surface opens a place for prayer. You may abstain from food, drink, shopping, media, habits, comforts, and so on to intentionally be with God. The physical awareness of emptiness or lack is the reminder to turn to Jesus who alone can satisfy. (Matthew 6:16-18; Isaiah 58:6-7). Note: people with certain health issues should not fast from food. Don’t fast from food if you are sick, traveling, pregnant, or nursing. Always stay hydrated, drinking plenty of water and fluids.
What to do in the time set apart for fasting:
- Bring your Bible and a glass of water during your fast.
- Relax and breathe deeply. Place yourself in the presence of God. Offer yourself and your time to God by repeating Samuel’s words, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” Or simply say, “Here I am.”
- Spend some time worshiping God for His faithfulness. Thank Him for where He has come through for you. Psalm 103:1-5 may provide a starting point for praise.
- Bring your desires to God. Ask Him if this desire is in line with His will and His word for you and the church. Be still and listen. Offer your desires and praises to God.
Reflection Questions:
- When you feel empty or restless, what do you do to try to fill the emptiness? What does this tell you about your heart?
- What is your attitude toward fasting or self-denial? In what ways do you currently deny yourself? When has self-denial brought you something good?
- Where do you operate from an entitlement mentality? How can you wean yourself from this way of life?
Spiritual Exercises:
- To deepen your understanding of how Jesus denied Himself and embraced suffering and death for you, practice fasting during Lent. When fasting is difficult, share your thoughts and feelings with Jesus. What does Jesus say to you? Tell Jesus what it means to you to share and fellowship with Him in His sufferings.
- Focus on Jesus and His temptation in the wilderness. Enter the story in your imagination. What do you and Jesus talk about? How are you tempted to indulge yourself? How does it help you to talk to Jesus about this?
Led by Pastor Femi Ibitoye
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