What is Lectio Divina?
Lectio divina means “divine reading” or “sacred reading.” With lectio divina, we bring our whole self to God as we slowly read through a passage of Scripture four times, allowing the text to come alive for us in new ways.
How to Practice Lectio Divina:
Read through Luke 23:32-43 four times. Each time, consider a different aspect of the passage. Trust that God will graciously speak to you through this passage as you listen to His Word.
- Lectio (Read)— As you read this passage the first time, listen for a particular word or phrase that speaks to you. Trust that the Holy Spirit will illuminate this passage and will bring a word or phrase to your mind. Hold that word or phrase in your mind. Don’t force anything, but wait patiently for God’s guidance.
- Meditatio (Reflect)—As you read this passage for the second time, ask God to show you more about the word or phrase that caught your attention the first time through. Savor that word or phrase with all of your senses, and enter into this passage with your whole self. Where are you in the story? What are you seeing? Smelling? Tasting? Feeling? Experiencing? This time through, listen for what images, feelings, and memories are stirring in your soul and welcome them in as you experience this passage in a real way.
- Oratio (Prayer)—As you read the text a third time, listen for an invitation from God rising up from your experience of prayerful reading thus far. In light of the word or phrase that stood out to you and what it evoked for you in memory, image, or feeling, what is the invitation that God has for you? This invitation may be a summons toward a new awareness or action.
- Contemplatio (Contemplation)—Read the passage one more time. As you read, rest in the presence of God and allow yourself simply to be. You may want to reposition your body so that your hands are facing upwards, as a physical sign that you are open to hearing from God in this final reading.
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