Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual exercise together. Today, we are practicing and learning about pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage is the practice of going on an outer journey that will lead you closer to God. It includes slowing down in order to take a reflective journey—a physical pilgrimage like a trip to the Holy Land or other holy site, intentional travel for the sake of knowing God better, or a metaphorical journey like the Lenten journey to the Cross and resurrection of Jesus at Easter (Psalm 84:5; John 2:13; Luke 2:41; Jeremiah 6:16; Genesis 12:1-3; Leviticus 23:7).
Pilgrimage in the Bible:
The heart of pilgrimage is making a journey with the intention to leave something behind to seek God. In the Bible, God’s people often went on these kinds of journeys as an act of obedience and a way to become closer to God. Just one of these occasions was the annual Passover festival, where Old Testament Jews would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate God’s goodness to them in freeing them from slavery. It was during one of these Passover pilgrimages that Jesus was crucified. We now celebrate Easter every year to celebrate God’s goodness in freeing us from spiritual slavery through the sacrifice of Jesus. Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, is a great time to practice pilgrimage and remember all that God has done.
Reflection Questions:
- How could thinking of yourself as a pilgrim introduce some reorientation to your life?
- Have you ever made a journey that enlarged your view of God? What was it like for you?
- What can you do today at the start of Lent to celebrate God’s goodness?
- What are you willing to leave behind in order to have a deeper life with God?
Spiritual Exercises:
- Take a prayer walk today. Invite God along on your prayer walk as you ask Him to meet with you in a fresh, new way as you go on the pilgrimage of Lent this year. Consider what God might be prompting you to leave behind during Lent this year as you journey towards the Cross (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter) of Jesus Christ.
- Intentionally take a pilgrimage with others. Visit a beautiful church in your area, or travel to Holy Hill, or visit a part of creation that leads you to worship God. Intentionally leave something behind. Ask God to speak to you through your journey.
- Slow down to reflect. Spend time celebrating what God has done in your life. Ask Him where He might be leading you in the longer term than Lent. Commit your plans to Him and ask for His guidance as you take your next steps of faith—whether that be a new spiritual journey or a journey to a new physical call.
Led by Joanna Jotterand
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