What is Prayer Walking?
A type of intercessory prayer in which we physically walk with Jesus through places that we are concerned about.
How to practice prayer walking?
For this Lenten prayer walk, here are three areas of your spiritual life to consider, framed by three journey stories:
- Repentance. Like the 40-year journey of the Israelites into the wilderness, Lent becomes a 40-day journey of repentance and refining. So, as we go on a prayer walk, we may want to take time to ask God: “Is there anything I need turn away from? Is there any sin You want to bring to my attention that I need to repent of?” Take time to consider that question and then talk to God about what He brings to your mind.
- New Beginnings. When the waters flooded the earth in Noah’s day, his family and the animals were afloat in the ark on the waters for 40 days and 40 nights. This was a time of new beginnings, where certain things died and new life was around the corner. As we continue the prayer walk, bring to God the areas of your life that seem to be lifeless or dead. Perhaps it’s a job situation or a relationship. Maybe it’s a dream you’ve had or something you were pursuing. Ask God to bring new life to these areas in ways that will be best for you and bring God greatest glory. Let God know that only His power can do this. Let the ongoing rhythm of your steps remind you that God is not done with your life.
- Spiritual Warfare. Jesus’ temptation after 40 days in the desert was a frontal assault on Jesus by the devil. It came immediately after the Father declared His love for Jesus at His baptism by John at the Jordan River. Jesus resisted the devil’s temptation and assault with the Word of God. As you continue your prayer walk, pray God’s Word against the work of the evil one in your life, your family and friends, our city, and world. Let each footfall be a declaration that God is the victorious king over all things.
- Close your prayer walk by saying the Lord’s Prayer.
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