Practice: The Presence of God

Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual exercise together. Today, we are practicing and learning about the presence of God.



Practicing the presence of God is an invitation to see and experience every moment as a gift of God. It is a way of living in deeper awareness of God’s activity in our lives. Through many small pauses we begin a habit of turning our heart toward God. (Colossians 3:3-4; Deuteronomy 30:14; John 5:39-40). 

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Where do your thoughts go when they aren’t focused on work or diverted by amusement? What do these thoughts reveal about  your concerns and priorities?
  2. How aware are you of the possibility of meeting God during  your work day?
  3. What is it like for you when God shows up at an unexpected moment?
  4. How easy is it for God to get your attention? When are you best able to hear God’s still, small voice?
  5. What would it look like for you to intentionally seek deeper intimacy with God?

Spiritual Exercises: 

  • Dedicate some task you are doing to the Lord. Talk to Him about the task before you begin and again when you are done. Do you become any more aware of God in the process? How?
  • Offer all of yourself to God for the day ahead. Throughout the day, ask yourself if you are still living your intention to be in God’s presence. Do not be discouraged when you stray from your intention to live in His presence; simply begin again. God loves for you to turn your heart back to Him.
  • Practice the presence in interruptions. The intention to live in the presence of Christ is a way of saying, “I am here.” Throughout your day—perhaps every time you are interrupted—tell God, “I am here.” Remind yourself that you are in the presence of Jesus, who had time for people who questioned and interrupted. Remember that some of Jesus’ most gracious miracles occurred when He was interrupted. 
  • Decide to stop several times throughout your day to pay attention to God and practice His presence. Set a clock to remind you. Spend five minutes reading Scripture, praying, or just being with Jesus. What is this like for you? 


Led by Kelly Erickson


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