What is Visio Divina?
Visio divina means “divine viewing.” It is a way of using art, nature, or another visual to awaken our interpretation of Scripture and to hear from God in a new way. Visio divina shares roots with the ancient practice of lectio divina. Just like lectio divina calls for a slow, careful interaction with Scripture through meditation and prayer, allowing God to speak through a word or phrase, visio divina invites us to encounter the divine through images.
How to practice Visio Divina:
Before we begin, choose an image or a painting. You may also choose to go outside and be in nature. Otherwise, here are some suggested works of art featuring depictions of Noah’s Ark:
- Noah’s Ark (1846) by Edward Hicks
- Noah’s Ark (1966) by Marc Chagall
- Noah’s Ark on the Mount Ararat (1570) by Simon de Myle
- The Exit from the Ark (1400-1430), Illumination from Master of the Munich Golden Legend
- Find other options at VCS (The Visual Commentary on Scripture)
Prayer—Dear Lord, as we begin this time of visio divina, please open the eyes of our hearts to listen to You. We ask You to speak through this image and to show us more of Yourself, more of Your heart for the world, more of Your plan for our lives. Amen.
Big Picture—First, let your eyes gaze at the whole image. Take your time and look at every part of the image. See it all. Reflect on the image for a minute or so.
Zoom In—Next, look at the image and let your eyes stay with the very first thing that you see. Keep your attention on that one part of the image that first catches your eye. Try to keep your eyes from wandering to other parts of the picture. Gaze at that part of the image for a minute or so.
Consider the following questions:
- What emotions does this image evoke in you?
- What does the image stir up in you, bring forth in you?
- Does this image lead you into an attitude of prayer? If so, let these prayers take form in you. Write them down.
- Now, offer your prayers to God in a final time of silence.
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