There are places that I go to commune with God just as Jesus often did. In my case those places are usually near water. I have even given these places names like The Garden or The Mountain Top. These are the places where I feel the most confident that God hears me and I hear Him.
Mary’s song of praise (Luke 1:46-55) reminds me of the prayers of praise and thanks that I experience in those places. We often pray for the needs of others and ourselves and rightly so, but we should never forget the prayers of praise for God when He does something wonderful in our lives.
Praise Him when he pulls us out of the darkness.
Praise Him for granting you a desire (not a need) when there are so many in the world in need, and yet He still takes the time to bless you with something that you only wanted but was not a need.
Praise Him when you understand how powerful He is and how powerless you are. In this world, power is something that many strive for yet our all-powerful God gave up all power to take on our weaknesses and become like us (Philippians 2:6-8) so that we would have a way back to Him.
Praise Him for this because it is foolish and upside-down according to man’s wisdom.
Praise Him for being a humble King.
Praising God is not simply saying the words but often involves music and song (Psalms 150:3-5). Yes, be sure to sing to Him in your favorite places of prayer and praise. Just as Mary sang God’s praises for even being noticed and blessed by God, let us sing our praises to God as the world focuses on Jesus this holiday season and we remember the great things God has done in our lives. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”.
For Reflection:
- Where is it easiest for you to praise God?
- Take time this week to go there and sing praises for the goodness God brings into your life!
by Blaine Gibson
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