If Micah were a motivational speaker in today’s world of startups and dreams, you would get this:
Fellow employees—we are a small and seemingly inconsequential company, but with patience through growth, we will see adjustments leading to profits with increased durability. Right now there is a boy somewhere who will grow up to lead us through our lean times, over the hurdles and to prosperity. Changes will be made. Maybe not today; maybe not tomorrow, but be ready. Change is coming. Don’t lose faith—if we stay united, we will see success and security.
Ever had a situation like this presented to you? Analysis of the present and the changes that will be instituted as time passes. There is no firm timeline, just a promise of a future. You have to decide to stick it out or not. Sometimes all we need is that one convincing person who advises that you hold on and wait.
Imagine Bethlehem being told that the future will be theirs. As one of the smaller clans of Judah, they feel abandoned by the rest of Israel—no unity, no leadership, and no hope.
Micah tells them that they may feel left behind now, but to wait for the completion of prophecy. There will be a leader born who will unite all the brothers and lead them to victory—not through His own power but through the strength and majesty of the Lord, our God.
Micah’s words encourage Bethlehem, of Judah, to be patient and faithful. They will see the fulfillment of prophecy and the One who will be the source of safety and security in their lives.
This is our Christmas renewal—to once again see the promise; respond in patience; and celebrate God’s peace through His Son.
For reflection:
- In one sense, we are still waiting for the ultimate reign of Christ to occur. How does knowing that He will one day put all things right impact the choices you make today?
Nativity Building: Set up the stable, but leave it empty for now. Long before Jesus was born on earth, God was getting everything ready.
by Margaret Duchrow
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