Today is my wife’s birthday. Besides being a treasure in my life, my wife has helped me to understand these verses in a multitude of ways.
While we are not “rich” in the American sense, I know have been blessed abundantly. Yet, if Jesus had spoken these words to Mary Ann I know without a doubt she wouldn’t hesitate to sell anything and everything she has to follow Him. Stuff just doesn’t matter to her.
But, what if He asked her to sacrifice the things that she does treasure? Well in 2006 He did.
About a year after we were married God called us to move 5 hours away to Springfield, IL. It was a tough decision, but we truly felt the church there was where God wanted us. Keep in mind this was the first time Mary Ann would be living more than 10 minutes from her family and friends in Waukesha! While it was hard, she knew we had to follow where Jesus led us.
God honored her sacrifice, bringing many friends and “family” members into her life through our ministry there. And yes—that is where our two children were born.
The point of all of this is that we all have “treasure” we can tend to hold onto tightly. But when we lay it before Jesus, when we open our hands and say, “I want you more than anything!” He is faithful to replace those treasures with the true treasure of knowing His joy and peace above all else.
- What have you given up to follow Jesus? How has your life changed as a result?
by Jim Caler
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