Encountering a Broken World
June 4, 2023 This week will introduce the summer series and Nehemiah’s encounter with the news of Jerusalem’s disrepair. Nehemiah 1:1-4
June 4, 2023 This week will introduce the summer series and Nehemiah’s encounter with the news of Jerusalem’s disrepair. Nehemiah 1:1-4
June 11, 2023 Nehemiah’s response to the brokenness of Jerusalem is a deep prayer. Nehemiah 1:5-11
June 18, 2023 Nehemiah has to approach King Artaxerxes about the need and his own sense of calling to help with the repair. Nehemiah 2:1-10
June 25, 2023 Hearing about it from a distance, Nehemiah now sees firsthand what is going on. From that point he urges action: rebuilding. Nehemiah 2:11-18
July 2, 2023 The list of builders by section seems sort of odd to us but is also an important recognition of the workers who apply themselves...
July 9, 2023 There are opponents from the very beginning and all throughout Nehemiah’s efforts. It shouldn’t be surprising when troubles arise as we pursue the work...
July 23, 2023 One of the most striking episodes in Nehemiah is the reading of God’s law by Ezra to the people. We also see the people...
July 30, 2023 Last week we explored the centrality of God’s Word in the identity and project of rebuilding and repair. The people not only hear God’s...
August 6, 2023 There are many listings of names in Nehemiah, but it is particularly important to see the transformation that begins to happen amidst repair and...
Sunday, August 13, 2023 A message at our annual Eastbrook Outdoors service on how Jesus is the ultimate rebuilder and repairer of all that is broken in...