Below, you will find a variety of ways to reflect on the message for this week. Since God speaks to each of us in different ways, you, your family, or even your small group may wish to mix and match a number of the spiritual disciplines listed.
Prayerfully look back through this week’s readings and devotionals. Ask God to speak to you freshly as you consider them again.
Review the memory verse for the week, Romans 12:1-2. What hope does it give you as you live your life for God this week?
As you think of the theme for this week, “May it be unto me as you have said” (Fiat Mihi), where do you most need to apply this in your relationships, your work or how you live for and think about God? Write out a one or two sentence response that you can apply this week!
With whom can you share your thoughts about this?
Nativity Building:
- Place Mary, Joseph and an angel figure across the room from the stable. Just as we read in this week’s Scripture, God sent an angel to tell Mary to tell her that God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus.
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