To help you, your family and friends, and your small group dive deeper into the idea of mission and reaching out, we’ve compiled resources from the Bible Project to watch and then reflect as well as a book and resource recommendation.
Bible Project Resources
For each video, we encourage you to use the following four questions to reflect and discuss each of these videos:
What does the video tell me about God?
What does the video tell me about humanity?
How does it apply to my life, how do I obey it?
How do I share this in my life in the next week and tell others?
Here’s the videos that we recommend you watch and use to reflect and discuss the topic of missions.
Overview of the Biblical narrative that leads to missions.
Studying the early church’s missionary endeavor through the book of Acts.
Word Study for Missions
Book study
We recommend the following book to dive deeper into God’s heart for the world, and how we join him in his work:
Digging Deeper – Lausanne
If you’re familiar with these resources, or want to dive deeper, visit the Lausanne Movement’s website to explore concepts in more depth: The Lausanne Movement is a collaboration of evangelical mission leaders from around the world who are tackling the difficult questions and exploring how we can see God’s love extend to all parts of the world.
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