Activated by the Holy Spirit
September 7/8, 2019 This weekend, Pastor Matt kicks off a new series entitled “Roots”, exploring five characteristics of the Church. In today’s message, we look at how...
September 7/8, 2019 This weekend, Pastor Matt kicks off a new series entitled “Roots”, exploring five characteristics of the Church. In today’s message, we look at how...
September 14/15, 2019 This week, we continue in the series “Roots” by exploring what it means to be God’s Community, the Church. Pastor Matt uses Acts 2:42,...
September 21/22, 2019 We were made to grow with God. Jesus’ call to discipleship is a calling to enter a new life of perpetual growth and development...
September 28/29, 2019 The New Testament church was sacrificially generous to the point that some sold their property to give to those in need. They were watchful...
October 5/6, 2019 The church exists to worship God “in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 96:9). The early church of Jerusalem gathered daily in the Temple courts...