Salt and Light for the Master

Read Colossians 4:1-6 

Whether we are employers or not, all believers also have a Master in heaven. The word “Master” can be substituted with the word “Lord” and refers to someone supreme in authority.

As followers of Christ and ones who are resolved to learn at His feet, we must remember that He submitted Himself to His Father. He did not do His own will but the will of the One who sent Him (John 6:38). As Christians, we know Jesus is watching and we are accountable to Him. 

Be prayerful. Be watchful. Be thankful. Be wise. Make the most of opportunities. Speak with grace and salt… All qualities which should characterize our lives as disciples. After all, a disciple should be like his lord and a slave like his master. If we consistently did the will of the Master, we would be like a shining city set on a hill. Our light would be visible for all to see (Matthew 5:14).

Was Jesus prayerful? Watchful? Thankful? Wise? Did He make the most of opportunities? Speak with grace and salt? Check. Check. Check. He was and yes, He did all this and more. 

There is a watching and waiting world out there. For those who have no idea who the God of the Bible is or who grew up with a skewed view of Him, we may be the first or only true representative of Jesus they encounter. Will they be able to see Christ in us, or are we so full of ourselves or so much like the world that there is no room for Christ to shine through? 

Lent is a time for sober reflection—for abstaining from the fleshly to free up room for spiritual contemplation and growth. It can be a time of pruning and recalibration if we are willing. As we ponder Christ’s journey to the Cross in submission to His Master and Father’s will, we have the opportunity to once again pledge ourselves to be faithful disciples of our Lord.

What is inside of a vessel is what shines through and what spills out when full. You do not find oranges growing on pepper plants or get milk from a chicken (compare with Matthew 7:16-18). People see who you really are from your words and your actions. Let us resolve to be faithful disciples of Christ who bring glory to our Master in word and deed. 


  • What are some ways employers can treat their employees justly and with fairness? What happens when Christians do not extend justice and righteousness to others?
  • Write down ways you can be more prayerful, watchful, thankful, wise, and bolder in sharing your faith. Try to put some of these into action in the next week or so.

by Katherine Riebe