“Open the eyes of my heart Lord,
Open the eyes of my heart,
I want to see you,
I want to see you.”
Recently, Jesus revealed himself to me. I knelt, almost by force, sobbing as the image unfolded: My right hand, petting the soft wool of a gentle lamb. At some point (and this will make sense if you have an affectionate pet) he, the lamb, began to nibble on my fingers. I could feel the sensation, a gentle pressure on my fingertips. My heart was overwhelmed! I couldn’t hold back the choked words from my mouth mingled with tears: “Kind! Kind! He’s kind! You’re so kind Jesus! You’re beautiful Jesus!”
This Lamb is our King.
Perhaps strange to us, His power and control radiates from an overwhelming kindness so beyond our own. I’m certain those in Jerusalem found it strange as well. However, when we encounter Jesus Christ, we find that the kindness is not some strange character trait. Our hearts give way to His own almost naturally. He pushes His fingers into the soft clay, forming His image. No wonder its Paul’s prayer that God would give the Ephesians a spirit of wisdom and revelation! We need to become like Him on this earth! The eyes of our hearts need to be opened!
We need to know him.
We need to see him.
For, “When we see him, we will be like him” (v. 18).
Have you seen Jesus recently? I mean REALLY gotten a good look at Him?
My prayer for each of you, as Paul’s, is that the eyes of your heart would be opened. He’s beautiful!
For reflection: When was a time in life you saw Jesus most clearly? What can you to do to continue to see Him with that clarity today?
by Chris Kendl
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