A Crash Course in Christlike Living
July 20/21, 2019
In this longest section of the series, Paul walks through a depiction of Christlike living – “a life worthy of the calling you have received” (4:1) – framed as putting off the old self and putting on the new self (4:20-24). The old self was marked by darkened understanding and impure living. The new self is marked by renewal of the mind and holiness. Paul applies this to our internal desires, the words we speak toward others, our sexuality, and many other specific activities. The endpoint of it all is being filled with the spirit, so that our lives become praiseworthy to the Lord (5:18-20).
Key Passage: Ephesians 4:17-5:20
Other Sermons In This Series

A Crash Course in Knowing Christ
June 09, 2019

A Crash Course in Unity in Christ
June 23, 2019

A Crash Course in Church Growth
July 14, 2019