The Hunger for Joy
March 23/24, 2019 Our culture is driven by pleasure-seeking and the pursuit of beauty. In many ways, there is nothing quite like the peaks of pleasure or the depths of...
God of the Little Ones
October 7/8, 2017
October 15/16, 2016 This week, Pastor Matt kicks off a 10-month exploration on the Gospel of Luke by looking at the promise of miracle children in Luke 1:1-25 who portend the promise of...
Becoming Children
January 24/25, 2015 Paul calls the Galatians to a new life of freedom in God. He uses an allegory about Hagar and Sarah in order to illustrate the radical new...
Two Children, a Family and the Interweaving Promises of God
November 1/2, 2014 The promise-child is born (Genesis 21:1-21) and named Isaac, which means laughter. The son of the servant woman is sent away. In the midst of these amazing...
Your Mother and Father
March 22/23, 2014 Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-4