God is King: Tracing the Kingdom of God through the Old Testament
September 6, 2020 The fundamental reality of Scripture is that God is king of the world. We will trace the theme of the kingdom of God throughout the Old Testament,...

Son of Man
February 2/3, 2019 Why did Jesus refer to Himself most often as ‘the Son of Man’? Does this phrase merely mean that Jesus is human, or is there something more...

Faith at the End of All Things
December 22/23, 2018 The last chapter of Daniel looks toward the ultimate end of all things. The final words of Daniel speak of the ultimate end, peace, and one of...

Exile Faith at Prayer
December 8/9, 2018 Daniel’s prayer in chapter 9 is one of the most heart-felt and powerful prayers of Scripture. It is part of Daniel’s hope-filled pleading with God to bring...

Faith Looking Forward
December 1/2, 2018 This chapter takes us deeper into the apocalyptic visions with a Ram and a Goat appearing in a vision to Daniel. Gabriel, the angelic messenger, appears to...

Faith in God Amidst the Beasts
November 17/18, 2018 The first step in Daniel’s apocalyptic vision (Daniel 7) takes him into the midst of four beasts and an encounter with the Ancient of Days and one...

Anticipatory Faith
November 10/11, 2018 This week takes a pause halfway through the book of Daniel, addressing the change of genres, language, and themes. The second half of Daniel exposes us to...

Faith that Doesn’t Flinch
November 3/4, 2018 Who hasn’t heard the story of Daniel in the lions’ den in Daniel 6:1-28? Moving beyond the children’s rendition of this story, we see Daniel facing death...

Faith When the Writing is on the Wall
October 27/28, 2018 In the well-known story of Belshazzar’s feast from Daniel 5:1-31, a mysterious hand appears with writing on the wall. No one can discern the message, until Daniel...

Faith Speaking Truth to Power
October 6/7, 2018 In Daniel 4:1-37, Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and Daniel interprets it truthfully. Nebuchadnezzar’s pride threatens to undo him, and Daniel speaks of that reality. When it comes...