Becoming One: the developing unity of the church as the community of Christ
November 08, 2020 We are one because of Jesus, but we are becoming one through Jesus. In Philippians Paul calls a community in tension, where divisions exist, toward unity by...
A Crash Course in Christlike Living
July 20/21, 2019 In this longest section of the series, Paul walks through a depiction of Christlike living – “a life worthy of the calling you have received” (4:1) –...
A Crash Course in Experiencing the Love of Christ
July 6/7, 2019 Paul pulls back the veil on his prayer life for the believers, which is focused on the love of God, the power of God, and the glory...
A Crash Course in Unity in Christ
June 22/23, 2019 The “mystery” of God’s work in Christ (3:6) is that Jews and Gentiles both partake together of God’s grace and are built into “one new humanity” (2:15)...
A Crash Course in the Gospel
June 15/16, 2019 This week, Pastor Matt examines Ephesians 2:1-10. and contrasts receiving bad news with receiving the good news of the Gospel.
A Crash Course in God’s Blessing
June 1/2, 2019 Ephesians 1:14 Paul works through the ways that God has blessed “with every spiritual blessing in Christ” (1:3). In and around his summary of redemption, adoption, and...
A Multi-Ethnic, Kingdom-Oriented Community
September 8/9, 2018 The church as a multi-ethnic, Kingdom-oriented community is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to move beyond the frameworks of divisive thinking,...
Faith and Grace
October 28/29, 2017 A sermon from Senior Pastor Matt Erickson as a part of Eastbrook Church’s commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with a weekend focused on two...
Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit
July 4/5, 2015 If we are to have true church unity then we must understand our calling and live it out. Unfortunately, most churches have forgotten their calling. That is...
Working through Conflict in Relationships
February 22/23, 2014 There are times where all of us deal with conflict in our relationships. How might we best honor God in our relationships at these times? What do...