Faith That Works
January 26, 2025 Today we explore one of the most well-known passages within James about how faith is shown by how we live in our actual lives. We are saved...

His Healing by Faith
December 12, 2021 Jesus’ turn toward Jerusalem is framed by two stories of healing. This brings into focus the healing that comes through Jesus to a world turned upside-down with...

Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
October 31, 2021 Jesus heals an outsider, a Canaanite woman, and it shows us some very interesting things about the nature of Jesus’ mission. Matthew 15:21-28

The Messiah’s Sign
July 25, 2021 Jesus is asked for a sign and only references the sign of Jonah. This is a cryptic reference to what would come in His death and resurrection....

Real Prayer
April 18, 2021 Pastor Ruth Carver shares what real prayer looks like in our lives and how to make requests of our good God, sharing from Matthew 7:7-11

Real Faith
March 28, 2021 Jesus’ words about worry, anxiety, and trust can sometimes seem out of reach. How do we live with real faith like this? Matthew 6:25-34

Faith-Full Public Engagement
October 4, 2020 What does our faith mean in relation to the wide variety of publicly debated concerns in our society, like abortion, marriage, healthcare, economic models, and more? We will...

The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of this World
September 27, 2020 When Jesus proclaimed that “the kingdom of God has come near” (Mark 1:15), He declared the radical in-breaking of God’s rule and reign. Based on exploration of...

Consider Jesus
August 9, 2020 Jesus is not only the High Priest that brings us to God, but is also our example for faith-filled discipleship. Hebrews 12:1-3

Living Faith
August 2, 2020 Examples of faith scattered through the Scriptures and through our experience encourage us to continue in our own life of faith. Hebrews 11:4-40