Praying Upward
August 20, 2023 This week will seek to provide a definition of prayer as conversation with God. Then we will explore the first movement of prayer: praying upward. We will...

Praying with a Broken Heart
June 11, 2023 Nehemiah’s response to the brokenness of Jerusalem is a deep prayer. Nehemiah 1:5-11

Opening the Book on Prayer: Learning to Pray with the Psalms
April 25, 2022 The psalms are sometimes called the prayerbook of the Bible. As a vital part of God’s word, they teach us how to hear God and respond to...

Real Prayer
April 18, 2021 Pastor Ruth Carver shares what real prayer looks like in our lives and how to make requests of our good God, sharing from Matthew 7:7-11

Real Spirituality
March 14, 2021 Beyond outward show, what is real spirituality and piety all about? Jesus’ addresses how visible actions often distract from the hidden life in almsgiving, fasting, and prayer....

Praying One: Learning to Pray for Unity from Jesus’ Prayer
November 15, 2020 The night before He went to the Cross, Jesus prayed that His followers “may be one as we are one” (John 17:11). If Jesus prayed for this,...

Growing Disciples
September 21/22, 2019 We were made to grow with God. Jesus’ call to discipleship is a calling to enter a new life of perpetual growth and development in the image...

Activated by the Holy Spirit
September 7/8, 2019 This weekend, Pastor Matt kicks off a new series entitled “Roots”, exploring five characteristics of the Church. In today’s message, we look at how the Church is...

Prayer as Power for Mission with God
August 31/September 1, 2019 Most everyone is familiar with the Apostle Paul’s passion to proclaim Christ and plant churches around the Mediterranean. Near the end of his letter to the...

Prayer as Soul-Shaping with God
August 24/25, 2019 This week we continue our series, “Power in Prayer,” by looking at Paul’s prayer in Colossians 1:9-14. Prayer is essentially our link into the face-to-face relationship with...