

March 17/18, 2018 After a series tensions, Joseph is overcome by emotion and reveals himself to his brothers. Joseph and his brothers experience a reconciliation of relationship with one another...

Open Wounds

March 10/11, 2018 The climax of Joseph’s story in Genesis 42-44 is his encounter with his brothers in their hour of need. Walking into their lost brother’s world, the brothers...

Nothin But Love

February 2017 YoPro MKE Talk The first fruit of the Spirit is LOVE. The greatest commandment is LOVE. God is LOVE. Yet the thing most lacking in our world (and...

Relationships with Jesus at the Center

May 14/15, 2016 Even our relationships should be transformed with Christ at the center. Jesus changes everything, including the way we relate with our family, friends, co-workers, and more. In...

Exile Community

December 26/27, 2015 1 Peter 5:1-14

Working through Conflict in Relationships

February 22/23, 2014 There are times where all of us deal with conflict in our relationships. How might we best honor God in our relationships at these times? What do...


February 15/16, 2014 What does biblical marriage really look like? There is so much that could be said, but what are the essential aspects of marriage? How do we relate...