Real Life
February 21, 2021 Exploring the beatitudes as being blessed with the good life with God accessible in Jesus Christ. Matthew 5:1-11
February 21, 2021 Exploring the beatitudes as being blessed with the good life with God accessible in Jesus Christ. Matthew 5:1-11
February 28, 2021 Looking at the disciple’s identity as salt and light in Christ for the sake of the world. Matthew 5:13-16
March 7, 2021 Hearing Jesus’ words about real righteousness for the disciple-life and what it means that He came to fulfill, but not abolish, the law. Matthew...
March 14, 2021 Beyond outward show, what is real spirituality and piety all about? Jesus’ addresses how visible actions often distract from the hidden life in almsgiving,...
March 21, 2021 What does it mean to treasure something and how does that impact our life? How does this relate to the power of money in...
March 28, 2021 Jesus’ words about worry, anxiety, and trust can sometimes seem out of reach. How do we live with real faith like this? Matthew 6:25-34
April 11, 2021 We’re often told not to be judgmental but how do we approach others and ourselves with appropriate perspective and right judgment? Matthew 7:1-6
April 18, 2021 Pastor Ruth Carver shares what real prayer looks like in our lives and how to make requests of our good God, sharing from Matthew...
April 25, 2021 This one verse, Matthew 7:12, known as the golden rule, is one of the most famous verses in Scripture. What does it really tell...
May 2, 2021 Jesus offers several pictures of appropriate response to Him and His teaching. How do we take in what He is saying and respond to...