October 15/16, 2016 This week, Pastor Matt kicks off a 10-month exploration on the Gospel of Luke by looking at the promise of miracle children in Luke 1:1-25 who portend...
October 15/16, 2016 This week, Pastor Matt kicks off a 10-month exploration on the Gospel of Luke by looking at the promise of miracle children in Luke 1:1-25 who portend...
October 22/23, 2016 In Luke 1:26-56, Mary is visited by an angel and invited into God’s plans and favor. She is “highly favored” and responds to God’s...
November 5/6, 2016 In Luke 1:57-80, John is born to Elizabeth and Zechariah. His name is prophetic and his role is prophetic. Zechariah’s tongue is loosed and...
November 12/13, 2016 In Luke 2:1-21, Jesus is born to Mary and Joseph in David’s town of Bethlehem. He is a Savior, shining forth God’s glory in the darkness...
November 19/20, 2016 In Luke 2:22-52, Jesus is dedicated at the Temple and grows up physically. As He grows, there is a growing awareness that something unique is...