The Only Message
January 3/4, 2015 The real message of the Gospel is at stake in Paul’s writing to the churches in Galatia. He is wrestling with his listeners on...
January 3/4, 2015 The real message of the Gospel is at stake in Paul’s writing to the churches in Galatia. He is wrestling with his listeners on...
January 10/11, 2015 Paul continues to reflect on his own story and how the unique revelation of the Gospel came to him and what it meant within...
January 17/18, 2015 Paul explores the relationship between the law and faith, righteousness and grace. Drawing upon the life of Abraham and the revelation of the Law...
January 24/25, 2015 Paul calls the Galatians to a new life of freedom in God. He uses an allegory about Hagar and Sarah in order to illustrate...
January 31/February 1, 2015 What does it really look like to live with freedom? Paul describes the freedom in Christ that comes by the Holy Spirit’s indwelling...
February 7/8, 2015 Does freedom mean we are careless about how we live with God? No, in fact Paul draws upon Old Testament teaching to say that...